Coal Reclamation

RPM Solutions uses refined operating skills to provide an innovative approach to coal yard reclamation.Coal mine reclamation is the rehabilitation of land after coal mining operations have stopped. It is a requirement of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) of 1977. SMCRA created two programs: one for regulating active coal mines and one for reclaiming abandoned mine lands. What the industry calls land reclamation is the process of restoring or improving land after surface mining. A reclamation plan involves studying the area’s geology, plants, water, soil and wildlife.

RPM Solutions is a reclamation company using proprietary equipment technology and refined operating skills to provide an innovative approach to site reclamation after coal has been mined. As mining operations cease, bulldozers and scrapers are used to reshape the disturbed area. Reclamation should allow for the area to be resistant to soil erosion and, based on soil requirements, fertilized and revegetated.

Coal mine reclamation restores land that has been mined to a natural or economically usable state. Although mine reclamation occurs once mining is completed, the planning of mine reclamation activities occurs previously. Mine reclamation creates useful landscapes that meet a variety of goals ranging from the restoration of productive ecosystems to the creation of industrial and municipal resources.

Practices related to coal reclamation have improved significantly in recent years. Although the primary purpose of a coal mine reclamation plan is usually to minimize the impact to the local environment after a mine is closed, today’s reclamation plans can encompass much more than just returning a mining site to its natural state. In the history of mining operations, there have been too many examples of mining lands that were not properly cared for and such instances have garnered much publicity.

The steps for the land reclamation can include:

  • Landscape maintenance and design
  • Management and restructuring of soil
  • Backfilling
  • Topsoil management
  • Management and reuse of waste materials

Coal mining can severely alter an environment due to the following effects, thus the reason for effective coal reclamation:

  • Land disturbance – coal mining can lead to the degradation of forests.
  • Mine subsidence – this refers to the destabilization of land that can occur with underground mining.
  • Water pollution – acid mine drainage (AMD) is metal-rich water formed from the chemical reaction between water and rocks containing sulphur-bearing minerals.

Land affected by mining operations should generally be reclaimed to the following:

  • The highest previous use of the affected land
  • A state similar to surrounding terrain and natural vegetation
  • The reestablishment of wildlife and aquatic habit and resources

In the United States, coal reclamation is a regular part of modern mining practices, minimizing and mitigating the environmental effects of mining. RPM Solutions, based in Lexington, Kentucky, has the ability to provide superior solutions through our vast knowledge of the coal industry combined with our strength and expertise in the minerals processing industry. Our aim is to deliver superior material handling solutions for our clients, big or small, regardless of the location. We differentiate ourselves through our advanced skills and preparation. RPM Solutions’ commitment to detail is the most important component of our success. For more information about putting the services of RPM Solutions to work regarding effective coal reclamation, contact us at